About Us
Kate Crawford
Dr Kate Crawford (Director) has extensive experience as a researcher, developer and facilitator. Her work is a continuing application of research and re-evaluation.
Kate works with her clients, as a catalyst, to enable them to independently build self-governing, creative, agile and adaptive communities and organisations.
Her approach enables cultural transformation by facilitating shared participation by all stakeholders in envisioning goals and purposes, self evaluation, strategic planning and evolving operational action.
Kate works to build quality relationships at all levels that enable mature, evolving, management practices, and the conditions for adaptability, responsiveness, and continuous improvement of productivity and service delivery.
She uses new technologies to facilitate communication, situational awareness and analysis, and creative shared activity in networked communities of practice.
Our focus is on helping people 'walk the talk' and evolve with changing situations and opportunities.
We work with clients to enhance productive participation, at all levels, in complex problem solving, development and creative innovation.
Eviva has strong research relationships with universities, and expertise derived from an extensive research and development network that supports the work with clients.